Halloween 2007

It was a lot of fun but I need to get a new costume.  E-mail me and give me some suggestions.  Don't forget that Jake will be with me.  Kristin usually goes out with some neighborhood friends and Jen likes to scare the crap out of the kids that come to our door.  Someday Jake won't want to go out with me.  But for now I just enjoy the hell out of it.


Jake is a hobo this year.  The shirt is one of my old ones and the pants are Kathy's paint pants.



Kristin was some kind of Goth thing, Jake was the bum and Jen is back by the door.  She was toying with the idea of going out.  We weren't sure what she was.  I was thinking she was Zoro, or maybe "V" from the movie "V for Vendetta", but she insisted that she was Dante.  And we thought to ourselves "Dante"?????  What the hell is that?



Here we have a cross between Courtney Love, Cyndi Lauper and someone who lost a bet.



Do you think I'm sexy?  Do you like to boobies?



How about that ass?


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