The Lourve

We left Florida at 8 am, Friday Morning, and arrived in Paris, 10 am, Saturday morning.  Unfortunately, we went from Orlando to Dallas to New York to Charles de Gaulle (this was the route that I knew we could make.  Don't you just love Non-Rev Travel).  We dropped off our bags at the hotel and decided to go out and explore central Paris.

Kathy is thinking to herself "OK, here I am, I woke up about 30 hours ago in Melbourne, It's colder than a brass monkey outside and I'm in line with a bunch of frogs who's weekly bath is later on tonight.  I guess it could be worse.  Bob could try to sneak a picture of me.


Us in front of the Venus de Milo.  By the way, did you realize that there are boobs painted or sculpted everywhere in Paris.  We are talking the city is an "R" rated movie without the "F" word.


I just had to take this picture.  How many times do you see a featured sculpture of a bearded man sucking on a woman's breast


This is in front of The Louvre from the bridge "le pont Neuf"

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